Saturday, December 26, 2009

Gaza Freedom March

About 1400 nationals representing individuals and groups from 43 countries will join a projected number of 50,000 Palestinians in Gaza in a peaceful march to try and bring an end to the siege that has reduced the population to a virtual state of destitution and fear. The march is set for December 31st, 2009. Egypt has informed the organizers that it will not allow the marchers to enter Gaza from the Rafah border and has taken steps to stop the march, one of which is to build a series of walls and barbed wires. The organizers are vowing to continue with their plans and have issued a letter to Husni Mubarak, President of Egypt, and an open letter to his wife, reiterating their point of view and reasons. The march is scheduled to depart by 31 December from Izbet Abed Rabbo, an area devastated during last winter's Israeli assault, and head towards Erez, the crossing point to Israel at the northern end of the Gaza Strip.

The organizers are asking for signatures to their petition for the march in Gaza and for comments. They are also asking for similar activities in cities and towns around the world. The aim of the march is to point attention to the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza and to push world leaders to act on pressuring Israel to end the siege and apartheid practices.

Friday, December 18, 2009

We Must Not Leave Them Alone

The Shministim are Israeli high school students who are refusing to serve in the Occupied Territories and who are being sentenced to prison for their conscientious objections. These 12th graders courageously chose prison to serving in an occupying army. Jewish Voice for Peace is republishing a letter these high school students wrote last year on Chanukah, JVFP states: "This is the message they carefully wrote together. One year later, as Shministit Or Ben-David sits in prison in Israel, and as Jews around the world prepare to celebrate the last night of Chanukah, it seems appropriate to share it with you again. We can't imagine a more important message during this festival of lights."

Dear friends and supporters,

During Chanukah the festive of lights, we, the Shministim, would like to take a moment to thank you for all you've done for us and for our struggle.

While we sit down with our families and light the first candle of the holiday, symbolizing the rebellion against an occupying army, some of us are still behind bars, denied the freedom to celebrate the holiday with their loved ones, denied the right to freedom of thought and political consciousness.

During this dark period of consecutive jail terms, military trials and attempts to break our beliefs, you were our light.

Each and every one of you who helped with the campaign, who sent a supporting letter, who sent the link of the website to a friend. You've let our struggle be heard around the world, the letters, the postcards and posters, the demonstrations, all of those actions fulfilled our wildest dreams.

We would like to thank you once again and wish you all a happy and free holiday.

in solidarity,
The Shministim

This is one of their videos