''This book is absolutely fundamental for those who reject the unfortunate confusion between Jews, Judaism, Zionism and the State of Israel -- a confusion which is the basis for systematic manipulation by the imperialist power system. It convincingly argues in favour of a single secular state for Israelis and Palestinians as the only democratic solution for the region."
Samir Amin, Director of the
Joel Kovel's latest book, Overcoming Zionism, has unleashed the expected systematic attack and repression that academics and politicians have become accustomed to when critiquing Zionist ideology or the Palestinian oppression under a brutal occupation, an occupation that has lasted for over 60 years. Kovel, previously a psychiatrist and psycho-analyst and, currently, Professor of Social Studies at Bard College in New York, is the latest target. But he is not the only one. Pluto Press in London, the United Kingdom, is being targeted by strong Zionist forces.
According to Howard Zinn, historian, playwright, and activist, the University of Michigan Press, after receiving a series of complaining and threatening emails and letters from an ultra-Zionist group called StandWithUs, an offshoot of Campus Watch, a group which monitors Middle East studies in North America under the guise of "improving them," (in reality it acts to censor academic freedoms in areas related to Israel and Zionism) withdrew from distribution Professor Kovel's book, Overcoming Zionism, published by Pluto Press in London, United Kingdom. Since then, following numerous protests by fellow academics and scholars, The University of Michigan Press Executive Board has restored the book to its distribution listings but, ominously, the Board has indicated its intention to reconsider its contract with Pluto Press in mid October.
"The suppression of discussion of Zionism occurs within the context of a broader assault on academic freedom and critical thought; it is a concentrated expression of that assault. We need only look at the tenure battles of Norman Finkelstein (DePaul) and Nadia Abu El-Haj (Barnard), the assault on books written by Mearsheimer and Walt and by former President Jimmy Carter, and the canceling of the play 'My Name is Rachel Corrie' by the New York Theater Workshop."
Professor Kovel's book provides a humanitarian approach to resolving the deadly stalemate that Palestinians and Israelis exist under due to a strongly religious and ideological paradigm cloaked in a guise of quasi-democracy. His argument is that justice for both peoples can only occur under a secular democracy for all the people, unified under one state. That framework is becoming more substantial among many Jews and non-Jews in Israel/Palestine and warrants serious exploration, but strongly ideological forces are resisting even a debate.Below is the body of the letter sent by Howard Zinn with a request to contact the University of Michigan to encourage them to reconsider terminating their contract with Pluto Press.
Dear Friend:
As you may have heard, in late August of this year, The University of Michigan Press, after receiving a series of complaining and threatening emails and letters from an ultra-Zionist group called StandWithUs, an offshoot of Campus Watch, withdrew from distribution Prof. Joel Kovel's book Overcoming Zionism, published by Pluto Press in London, United Kingdom. Since then, following numerous protests by fellow academics and scholars, The U. of M. Press Executive Board has restored the book to its distribution listings. But, ominously, the Board has indicated its intention to reconsider its contract with Pluto Press in mid October.
Overcoming Zionism is a serious, well researched work espousing a humanistic resolution. It is a valuable addition to the growing debate, in and out of American academia, that is re-examining long held assumptions about the sources of conflict in the Middle East. It should be discussed - supported or refuted but not suppressed.
But even more serious is the University's threat to cancel its distribution contract with Pluto Press. Pluto is a valuable and unique intellectual resource, publishing progressive books of a consistently high quality. It provides an alternative viewpoint essential to discussion and debate of important social issues, such as those concerning Israel/Palestine and the Middle East. The cancellation of Pluto's contract with the University would be a serious blow to the principles of pluralism, academic freedom and free speech.
We urge you to add your voice to those of the many professors and authors that have vigorously protested these actions. We ask that you send a letter or, better yet, an email to U. of M. Press Executive Board Chair Peggy McCracken with copies to University of Michigan President Mary Sue Coleman, Dean Janet A Weiss; and Provost Teresa Sullivan, demanding that the University of Michigan Press continue its contract with Pluto Press. Further, we ask that you forward this request for support and suggested support letter to those on any list that you may maintain or have access to.
We attach a sample letter, below, along with email and postal addressees, for your convenience. Please send this immediately, or feel free to compose your own. Time is of the essence so please act quickly.
Thank you for your kind support.
Sincerely, Howard Zinn For the Committee for an Open Discussion of Zionism www.CODZ.org
Please send your letters and emails to:
Professor Peggy McCracken, Executive Board Chair
University of Michigan Press
University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI 48109
peggymcc@umich. edu
President Susan Coleman University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI 48109
presoff@umich. edu
Janet A. Weiss, Dean of the Rackham Graduate School and Vice Provost
University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1070
janetw@umich. edu
Teresa A. Sullivan, Provost and Executive Vice-President for Academic Affairs
3074 Fleming Building
University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1340
tsull@umich. edu
Dear Professor McCracken: It has come to my attention that The University of Michigan Press has recently withdrawn its distribution of Prof. Joel Kovel's book, Overcoming Zionism and has indicated its intention to review, and perhaps cancel, its distribution contract with the publisher of Prof. Kovel's book, Pluto Press. It is my understanding that these steps were taken immediately following a barrage of complaints from a group called StandWithUs Michgan, an offshoot of the notorious Campus Watch censorship organization. I have heard that distribution of Prof. Kovel's book has been resumed but that the Pluto Press contract remains under a cloud.
Pluto is a valuable intellectual resource, publishing critical and progressive books of consistently high quality. It is a highly respected alternative academic press. Its discontinuation by the U.of M. Press would directly inhibit people?s access to non-mainstream material and would impede critical thought, discussion and debate on important issues, especially those concerning Israel/Palestine and the Middle East.
Further, the University?s suspension of its distribution contract with Pluto Press under these circumstances would constitute a flagrant violation of the principles of academic freedom and freedom of speech. I strongly protest against any such move. My high regard for the University of Michigan would be seriously diminished if such a suspension took place and it would affect any future relationship I might have with the University.
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