There is a sad joke that crosses the minds and lips of many in the Middle East, including some bloggers on the internet. If you want your house demolished or if you want to get rid of a troublesome human pest, no problem, the Israeli " Defense" Forces will gladly oblige. No need to ask. They have empathetic powers and will anticipate your problems, even during Christmastime. The Lebanese and Gazan people will attest to that. After all, the "most moral army" in the world has to live up to its name. Be it bulldozers, colonists who do the grunt work, "smart bombs," nerve gas, booby traps, airplanes, cluster bombs, fire to nourish your olive trees, all are provided free of charge to everyone who is not a Jewish Israeli and who exhibits any sign of discomfort, including protest against blockades, occupation, land grabbing, murder, and plain bullying.
No need to keep re-building. The average life-span of a house in Palestine and Southern Lebanon is about 10 years.
The "most moral army" is on a mission to discipline all you lowly Arabs out there. Their killings and economic blockades are to protect their people. It is a funny age when the only nuclear power in the Middle East needs to protect itself from those who do not even have one airplane. Blockades, separation walls, apartheid policies, wars, child murders, extrajudicial killings, occupations, torture, and violations of International Law and UN Security resolutions, have been going on for over 60 years. IDF biblical dictate states: A thousand eyes for an eye and a million teeth for one tooth." One has to acknowledge morality when one witnesses its outcome.
The children of Lebanon are thankful for the gifts left behind after the July 2006 War. Laos and Lebanon are the two countries most littered with cluster munitions that continue to kill and maim children every year. Let us all send flowers to Livni and thank her for caring about Arab children so much; after all isn't she one of the many "moral" demagogues who state that Arabs (and the kind of Arab changes based on the campaign of the day) do not care about their own children and all Arab children deaths are a result of Hizbollah and Hamas action?
Should we tell Ms. Livni the same about Jewish children who died during WWII or during the invasion of Lebanon and the occupation of Palestine? When an Israeli helicopter sprays a university, a school, or a hospital in Gaza, and Hamas (and by proxy, all of the Palestinian people) are blamed for those deaths, should we state a similar argument when a suicide bomber blows himself up in a market place in Israel? Could those deaths be the result of the actions of the Zionist state that forced the hand of Hamas to resort to such tactics to "protect" THEIR own people from annihilation?
But I doubt if Ms. Livni and her right arm of the "most moral army" have even given such an analogy any thought, not because she and her "most moral" band of killers do not possess adequate powers of reasoning, but because they really don't give a damn about any Arab life and, that is where the moral argument crumbles and that is where the basis of the ideological birth of a "just" nation lies in shambles.
The Zionist Israeli State has continuously proven that it will "protect" its citizens till the last man, woman, and child on Earth (Sharon did not mince any words when he stated that in other terms), including their own.
But hope glimmers in the conscience of the few within Israel who have looked within and who have explored the relationship between the history of their parents and grandparents under unbearable situations and the Palestinians under a brutal occupation. They are asking the right questions and addressing the moral argument. Sara Roy is one of those people. She wrote a detailed article about the situation in Gaza, entitled: If Gaza Falls
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