Despite vast support for Israel's violent policies against Palestinian civilians among politicians and the media in the United States, there is rising awareness and activism on behalf of many in the public and academic community, especially the Jewish community. One of the latest is David Klein, Professor of Mathematics at Cal State, Northridge. His article, Support for Israel Must Stop, published in the Daily Sundial outlines the reasons.
These are some of Professor Klein's reasons listed on his website (see link at the end of the article and the campaign to boycott Israel).
Israel is the most racist state in the world at this time
Zionism calls for a Jewish state. Israel defines Jewishness, in part, in genetic terms. A person is legally Jewish if his or her mother is Jewish, regardless of place of birth or religious belief. The result of Israeli state policies has been a 60 year program of ethnic cleansing, including expulsion of the Palestinian population, military occupation, and mass murder.
Supporting a boycott against Israel is not Anti-Semitic
Zionism is NOT synonymous with Judaism. Supporting a boycott against Israel is no more anti-Semitic than support of the boycott of Apartheid South Africa during the 1980s was anti-White. Many Jews of conscience and Jewish organizations condemn Israel's crimes against humanity, and support a boycott of Israel. Among these are the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, L.A. Jews for Peace, and Jews in Solidarity with Palestine.
Support for Israel must stop
Published: Friday, February 6, 2009
Updated: Friday, February 6, 2009
When an impoverished Palestinian boy confronts an Israeli tank in front of his home, how do you explain to American taxpayers that the tank is David and the boy is Goliath?
Apologists for Israel’s devastating attack on the civilian population of Gaza last month would face a task of biblical proportions, were it not for the dearth of information available to the American people.
Israel dropped hundreds of bombs and rained white phosphorus on the Gaza Strip in a three-week period beginning Dec. 27, 2008. The Palestinian population was attacked by U.S. built F-16 fighter jets and Apache helicopters.
The extent of the damage is staggering. At least 37 United Nations schools were destroyed or damaged during the attack. Forty mosques were destroyed. Tanks bombed hospitals and ambulances, the University of Gaza was leveled to the ground, and white phosphorus bombs obliterated the United Nation’s main food storage facility.
Refugee centers were targeted and suffered heavy casualties. Israeli soldiers killed healthcare workers whose only “crime” was attending to the wounded.
More than 1,300 Palestinians were killed and over 5,000 were crippled, many with loss of limbs or eyesight. Half the victims were women, children and the elderly.
Entire neighborhoods were demolished, leaving tens of thousands homeless. Some survivors describe Israeli tanks arriving in front of homes and ordering families to come out. As children, old people and women came forward, in some cases with white flags, they were shot and killed on the spot.
By contrast, the number of Israeli deaths was 13, including four victims of “friendly fire.”
Israel sealed off Gaza in advance of the attack. No one was allowed to leave without a foreign passport. Women, children, the elderly, and the infirm were not permitted to flee to safety. They were forced to remain in the world’s largest open-air prison with no protection from Israel’s chemical weapons, bombs, and bullets.
Gaza, with its 1.5 million people, is the most densely populated region in the world. Since 2005, well before Hamas came to power, Gaza has suffered from an Israeli military blockade that restricts food, medicine, and other vital supplies. The tunnels from Gaza to Egypt, that Israel has repeatedly bombed, provide essential routes for the transport of basic necessities.
Pro-Israel propagandists justify the attack by charging that Hamas, the elected government of Gaza, broke a six-month cease-fire by launching rockets into Israel. But the facts tell a different story. A December 2008 report entitled “The Six Months of the Lull Arrangement” stated it was Israel, not Hamas, which broke the cease-fire.
According to the Israeli Intelligence report, between June 19 and Nov. 4, 2008, “Hamas was careful to maintain the ceasefire.” Then on Nov. 4, Israeli forces attacked and killed seven Palestinians in Gaza.
The report further explains, “In retaliation, Hamas and the other terrorist [sic] organizations attacked Israel with a massive barrage of rockets...” Thus, even the Israeli government admits that Israel broke the truce.
In contrast, the mainstream press, which functions as the public relations arm of Israel, blames the victims of Israel’s attack for their own suffering. Not mentioned in the Israeli Defense Ministry report, however, is the failure of Israel to lift the military blockade, as per agreement of the cease-fire, in itself a war crime.
Israel’s most recent violation of the truce agreement with Hamas is not an anomaly. By a wide margin, it is Israel that most often initiates violence.
An analysis entitled “Reigniting Violence: How Do Ceasefires End?” written by faculty members at MIT and Tel Aviv University, and a graduate student at Harvard, found during the span of years 2000 to 2008, “79 percent of all conflict pauses were interrupted when Israel killed a Palestinian, while only 8 percent were interrupted by Palestinian attacks (the remaining 13 percent were interrupted by both sides on the same day).” Even more significant, “of the 25 periods of nonviolence lasting longer than a week, Israel unilaterally interrupted 24, or 96 percent, and it unilaterally interrupted 100 percent of the 14 periods of nonviolence lasting longer than 9 days.”
Zionism calls for a Jewish state. Israel defines Jewishness, in part, in genetic terms. A person is legally Jewish if his or her mother is Jewish, regardless of place of birth or religious belief.
In pursuit of a Zionist agenda, Israel has followed a 60-year program of ethnic cleansing, including expulsion of the Palestinian population, military occupation, and mass murder.
The attack of Gaza is only the latest in a long history of crimes against humanity. Ariel Sharon summarized Israel’s national goals when he said in 1983, “the only good Arab is a dead Arab.”
Spain’s highest court has recently launched an investigation of crimes against humanity by Israeli leaders stemming from a 2002 bombing of civilians in Gaza. If the identified officials fail to appear in Madrid, the High Court will likely issue international warrants for their arrest.
It is long past due for Americans, including CSUN students, to call upon our government to end its billions of dollars of support of Israel.
For references and more information, see Prof. Klein’s web page: www.csun.edu/~vcmth00m/boycott.html
Lebanon’s pro-Western coalition has declared victory over Hezbollah and its allies in Sunday’s parliamentary election.
Unofficial results early Monday brought projections that the “March 14” alliance would secure around 70 seats in the 128-seat parliament, with some 58 seats for Hezbollah and its allies in the pro-Syrian “March 9” bloc – around the same number as both held in the outgoing legislature.
I guess all these free airline tickets and 5 thousand dollar bribes were put to good use by the Future Movement and its pro-Western allies to push for a win for their cadres.
Lebanon has been up for sale to the highest bidder since 2005. This is the Milton Friedman democracy in action, with a feudal and sectarian twist that is the hallmark of Lebanese politics and Zionist and American intervention.
Join us in Bakersfield!
Hope to see ya there!
Well, "No," I was going to delete your last comment because I thought it was not relevant to the topic, but lo and behold! There was Brigitte Gabriel on the forefront of the ACT campaign. Gotta hand it you and your kind "No:" you surely picked a "doozy" this time.
First there was "Joe the Plumber." Remember Joe, the moron around whose ridiculous statement the Republican campaign was centered and who ended becoming a "war correspondent" on the Israeli side for some tenth rate religious fundamentalist website.
Then there was the birth certificate.
Now, there is Ms. Gabriel.
All three are connected to the Zionist Evangelicals of this country and the religious right behind this evil and dishonest attempt at eradicating those who are different. You people are nothing but a bunch of racists.
I am familiar with the gems of Brigitte Gabriel, the Lebanese Zionist Bimbo Mouthpiece of the religious right and the Zionist racist movement.
Gabriel is as shallow as they come and as idiotic as any racist moron. Her fame is a result of the vast amounts of money put forth by the Brookings Institute and the various anti-Muslim cabals out there.
So, please, enjoy the show and ogle at the tragedy of a Lebanese woman who grew up in the Civil War in Lebanon and who was stupid and naive enough, as well as racist enough, to get sucked into the propaganda machine of the racists and power monger. Gabriel cannot make up her mind if she is Lebanese, American, Israeli, or human. Sad, indeed.
So, yes, get an eyeful and earful and imagine the future of mankind if the likes of this bimbo clown in the thousand dollar suit and too much make-up end up in power.
Yes, please listen to her stories about how the reason Muslims are "multiplying" so much is because, like bin Laden, they like to have 57 children.
I think Bakersfield is going to be a scorcher.
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