Sunday, March 4, 2007

Kiss Israel's Ass! Or AIPAC Says You Support Genocide

As the American public becomes weary with the stunts of the Zionist lobby and this Neo-Con administration, Israeli apologists are going full steam in insisting that the existence of Israel hinges on a deadly strike against Iran. With the emerging public awareness regarding the deceit that went into the Iraq war, the Zionists and their bullies in Washington are desperate; nothing is too obscene for them in this push for a war on another country that, one more time (here we go again) has done us no harm and has no intention to do so in the foreseeable future (that can change if we decide to attack with a possibility of using nuclear weapons as some are anticipating).

There are efforts to counteract this vengeful and malicious hatred of a country and its citizens as Gary Leupp exposes the shenanigans of the Zionist lobby and their sense of entitlement. It is all about them and to hell with the rest of the world.

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