Following is a "letter to the editor" sent to the Telegram Tribune by Bob Banner, editor and publisher of Hopedance Magazine in San Luis Obispo and Santa Barabra Counties. The letter follows an article by David Sneed in the San Luis Obispo Tribune on global warming. Bob's letter summarizes the efforts of many local citizens who are trying to explore and implement ways to alleviate pollution and the effects of global warming. You can link to Bob Banner's Hopedance website and film schedule at hopedance.org.
Thank you David Sneed for writing a comprehensive summary of global warming and how it will affect San Luis Obispo County. I would like to add some of the future events that can direct people to some solutions and actions.
On February 24th SLO Rideshare and HopeDance will present a free screening of the film “An Inconvenient Truth” with a panel discussing the film afterwards (SLO’s Mayor Dave Romero, Sierra Club Karen Merriam, APCD Larry Allen and Rideshare Lisa Quinn).
The next day February 25 (3pm) we will continue the discussion after viewing a 20-minute speech by famed Paul Hawken, given at the recent Bioneers Conference. A pot luck and more discussion of activities will ensue.
Also HopeDance did a special issue awhile back called “How Cities Are Preparing for Global Warming and Peak Oil.” Readers can either order a copy or view it at http://tinyurl.com/yq2oyq.
Also, a highly respected biologist traveling from British Columbia, Professor Gordon Hartman, will speak to the public on Saturday, February 3 at 7pm at the SLO Public Library. His talk is called “Converging Ecological Crises: Are We Up to the Challenges?” An article of the same title is in the current issue of HopeDance to be viewed at http://tinyurl.com/yu5mca.
Bob Banner
Publisher of HopeDance
POBox 15609
SLO, CA 93406
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